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    Thanks for reading about us. Our family resides in southern Maine, and we are living the life of our dreams! Our goal is to be kind and compassionate, and we strive to leave things a little better than we found them. We love getting outside for hikes, biking, surfing, skiing, and camping!

    For over twenty years I have been on an intentional journey of adopting positive habits, and learning to take care of, and love myself, which then radiates outward towards others. Two powerful tools that have help me are YOGA, and pure, potent essential oils by DōTERRA. I share these with passion and confidence that they can help you too.

    I bring with me over twenty years of professional and personal experience with western medicine, complementary holistic healing of yoga & meditation, ayurveda, traditional chinese medicine, massage therapy, and astrology. I have been practicing yoga/meditation for over 23 years, which helped save me from unhealthy habits. Please come take a class with me.

    I have studied essential oils extensively and am certified in the Aromatouch® Technique, which I am honored to share with Retts Roost. My love for DōTERRA essential oils started in 2016 when I received the Family Essentials kit at just the right time. I was struggling big time, at a point of burnout....stress, working full-time, as a new parent, dealing with health issues, sound familiar? Our family and friends continue to reach for these pure and powerful natural solutions as our first line of defense for health concerns. Products I can't live without are: the MetaPWR system, Lifelong Vitality, and Deep Blue. We never knew options like these were available; this is why we choose to share these life-changing solutions with you! Message to learn more, or schedule a call where you'll have the opportunity to ask questions in a one-on-one setting, and receive recommendations, and be left feeling at ease, prepared, and confident on how to use essential oils for every member of your family - children & pets included!

    I look forward to connecting,

    Karen Joy


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